Pellegrin, N., Elemen, J. E., Fuentes, A., & Nguyen, T. (2024, August). Artificial Intelligence: Where are we now? [Keynote speaker panel]. Peralta Community College District, Professional Development Flex Day, Oakland, CA.
Elemen, J. E., Galván, Z. J., & Magdaleno, K. (2024, August). Cultivating critical AI literacy leadership, policy and practice centering equity and justice [Conference presentation]. California Latino School Boards Association, Unity Conference, Monterey, CA.
Elemen, J. E., Crouse, L., & Gomez, M. (2024, August). Critical media literacy #MisinfoDay with youth and community [Conference presentation]. Civics of Technology Conference, Virtual.
Frame, A., Howe, C., Elemen, J. E., Gomez, M., Andres-Salgarino, M. B., & Escobar, R. (2024, July). California Cohort Day [Conference presentation]. Climate Generation Summer Institute for Climate Change Education, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2024, July). Equity-centered education leaders cultivating critical digital, media, and civic literacy [Conference presentation]. National Association for Media Literacy Education Conference, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2024, June). Critical digital leadership: Digitally mediated learning for equity, justice and joy [Conference presentation]. International Society for Technology in Education, ISTE Live, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2024, April). Cultivating critical AI literacy and digital citizenship for equity and justice [Conference presentation]. Peralta Online Equity Conference, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E., Gomez, M., Azama, Y., Diaz-Garcia, L., & Allen Smith, T. (2024, March). Empowering youth with the State Seal of Civic Engagement: District implementation journey [Poster session]. Carnegie Summit on Improvement in Education, San Diego, CA.
McTygue, N. & Elemen, J. E. (2024, February). Inquiry now: Equity-centered instructional leadership [Conference presentation]. CISC Leadership Symposium, Monterey, CA.
Zapien, R. & Elemen, J. E. (2023, October - 2024, May). Ethical AI for TK-12 education leaders [Community of practice]. 21st Century California School Leadership Academy, Bay Area Regional Academy, University of California, Berkeley, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2023, July). Transformative practices for belonging and community [Keynote address]. Restorative Justice Retreat, Salinas Union High School District, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2023, July). Education leaders advancing equity with UDL and digitally mediated learning [Conference presentation]. The 9th Annual CAST UDL Symposium: Through the Lens of UDL.
Elemen, J. E., Allen Smith, T., Diaz-Garcia, L. (2023, June). Scaling up justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion with civic engagement [Conference presentation]. National Council for the Social Studies JEDI in the Social Studies, Virtual.
Elemen. J. E. (2023, May). Digitally mediated learning equity leadership [Webinar]. Center for Equity Leadership and Research (CLEAR).
Black, D., Gomez, M., Reynolds, M., Elemen, J. E., & Manos, M. (2023, May). National Day of Action: California educators teach-in [Webinar]. California Council for the Social Studies and the African American Policy Forum, Virtual.
Elemen. J. E. (2023, March). Leaders advancing equity with digitally mediated learning [Conference presentation]. Spring CUE 2023, Palm Springs, CA.
Azama, Y., Diaz-Garcia, L., Allen Smith, T., Gomez, M., Elemen, J. E., & O. Santillan. (2023, February). Youth global citizenship with the State Seals of Civic Engagement and Biliteracy [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies 62nd Annual Conference, Santa Clara, CA.
Allen Smith, T., Diaz-Garcia, L., & Elemen, J. E. (2023, February). Educators scaling up justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion with youth civic engagement [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies 62nd Annual Conference, Santa Clara, CA.
Elemen, J. E., Allen Smith, T., & Diaz-Garcia, L. (2023, January). Co-designing a school district's justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion plan with continuous improvement for antiracism [Conference presentation]. California Association of Latino Superintendents and Administrators Focus on Results Conference, Monterey, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2022, May). Project Soapbox [Co-host]. Spring Mainstage Showcase, Salinas Union High School District, Salinas, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2022, March). Student voice for social justice: Transformative social emotional learning and civic engagement [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies Conference, Orange County, CA.
Elemen, J. E., et al. (2022, February). Advocating at your school for LGBTQ+ families [Panelist]. Our Family Coalition, Webinar.
Flores, B., Elemen, J. E., & Lei, G. (2021, December). Developing and supporting your local literacy plan [Conference presentation]. California School Boards Association (CSBA) Annual Education Conference and Trade Show, San Diego, CA.
Adams, T., Elemen, J. E., Lewis, G., & Boonchouy, R. (2021, December). Elevating youth civic engagement and the State Seal [Conference presentation]. California School Boards Association (CSBA) Annual Education Conference and Trade Show, San Diego, CA.
Baltazar-Sabbah, B., Elemen, J. E., & Gomez, M. (2021, November). Elevating student voice and civic engagement [Conference presentation]. ACSA Leadership Summit, San Francisco, CA.
Howerter, J., Elemen, J. E., Flores, B., Lei, G., Turkie, A. (2021). Culturally sustaining pedagogy: Part 1 & Part 2 [Webinars]. California Department of Education's Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant Resource Repository, Virtual.
Salud, A., Elemen, J. E., Greer, S., Salinas, J., Martinez, G., Gomez, D., & Galvan, S. (2021, July). Elevating youth civic engagement and the State Seal [Conference presentation]. California Association of Clerks and Election Officials (CACEO), Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. & Franzell, W. (2021, March). Enviroliteracy, civics, and equitable blended learning [Conference presentation]. Spring CUE, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E., Santillan, O., Guajardo, L., & Ramirez, A. (2021, March). Addressing the civic debt: How to create equitable civic empowerment in schools [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies Conference, Virtual.
Elemen. J.E., Ng, E., Guajardo, L., Camarena, D., Hyder, R., & Budz, T. (2021, March). Assessment, grading, and feedback for learning: Centering equity [Webinar]. CISC ELA/ELD Subcommittee Meeting, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2020, November). 2020 College Transitions & Curriculum Institute Equity and Learning in a Global Pandemic / Equidad y Aprendizaje en medio de una Pandemia. Presentation at Hartnell College, Virtual.
McDonald, K., Jacks, E., Petty, K., Elemen, J. E., & Slutsky, B. (2020, May). Support for distance learning: the History-Social Science and English Language Arts/English Language Development Frameworks [Webinar]. California Department of Education Distance Learning Webinar Series.
Salazar, D., Elemen, J. E., & Porter, E. (2020, April). Empowered EdTech ELD strategies [Conference presentation]. California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) Conference, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E., Enriquez, S., Santillan, O., & Doten, B. (2020, January & 2019, November). History-social science literacy and language development [Conference presentations]. California Statewide History-Social Science Community of Practice CLIC (Content, Literacy, Inquiry, and Citizenship) Project, Sacramento, CA.
Elemen, J. E., Enriquez, S. & Santillan, O. (2019, December). ELD protocols in history-social science [Conference presentation]. California History-Social Science Framework Conference. California State University, East Bay, Hayward, CA.
Elemen, J. E., Martin, D., Santillan, O., & Gomez, M. (2019, March). History-Social Science Framework Implementation Project, Region 5: Inquiry, civics, and ELD [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies Conference, San Jose, CA.
Elemen, J. E., James. B., Lamont, R., & Amador, K. (2019, March). EdTech ELD strategies for history-social science and C3 readiness [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies Conference, San Jose, CA.
Monterey County Youth Leadership Panel & Elemen, J. E. (2019, March). Monterey County Youth Leadership Panel and focus group [Conference presentation]. All in for Equity Conference. Monterey County Office of Education, Seaside, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2018, March). Student voice: Language and civic learning opportunities [Conference presentation]. California Association for Bilingual Education Conference, Sacramento, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2018, March). The Constitution, civic learning, and ELD [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies Conference, San Diego, CA.
Elemen, J. E., Hayes, M., Herczog, M. M., Smith, S., & Wilson, T. (2018, March). The California History-Social Science Instructional Materials Adoption Toolkit [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies Conference, San Diego, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2017, November). New History-Social Science Framework implementation resources for English learners [Conference presentation]. National Council for the Social Studies Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Elemen, J. E., Salazar, D., & Showalter-Garcia, J. (2017, April). Civic learning opportunities for student voice and language development [Poster presentation]. Region 5 National Bilingual/Multilingual Advocacy Month Showcase, Morgan Hill, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2017, March). Synthesizing framework tools to maximize civic learning and English language development [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies Conference, Sacramento, CA.
McTygue, N., Contreras, Y., Hatanaka, J., & Elemen, J. E. (2017, January). Professional learning [Conference presentation]. California History-Social Science Framework Rollout Launch Event, UC Davis.
Elemen, J. E. (2016, November). “Monterey County CAASPP/SBAC data and college and career readiness.” Curriculum Institute, Hartnell College, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2015, March). Increasing civic participation: High school students’ participation in distributed leadership [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies Conference, Oakland, CA.
Civic Engagement